About Basecamp

What we do

Basecamp is a small team that creates simple, focused software. Our products help you collaborate and get organized. Millions of people and small businesses use our web-apps to get things done. Jeremy Wagstaff, of the Wall Street Journal, wrote, "[Basecamp] products are beautifully simple, elegant and intuitive tools that make an Outlook screen look like the software equivalent of a torture chamber." Our apps never put you on the rack.

Our modus operandi

We believe software is too complex. Too many features, too many buttons, too much to learn. Our products do less than the competition — intentionally. We build products that work smarter, feel better, allow you to do things your way, and are easier to use.

Our products

Basecamp turns project management on its head. Instead of Gantt charts, fancy graphs, and stats-heavy spreadsheets, Basecamp offers message boards, to-do lists, simple scheduling, collaborative writing, and file sharing. So far, hundreds of thousands agree it's a better way. Farhad Manjoo of Salon.com said "Basecamp represents the future of software on the Web."

HEY is a ground up reinvention of email. HEY’s fresh approach transforms email into something you want to use instead of something you’re forced to deal with.

Ruby on Rails, for developers, is a full-stack, open-source web framework in Ruby for writing real-world applications quickly and easily. Rails takes care of the busy work so you can focus on your idea. Nathan Torkington of the O'Reilly publishing empire said "Ruby on Rails is astounding. Using it is like watching a kung-fu movie, where a dozen bad-ass frameworks prepare to beat up the little newcomer only to be handed their asses in a variety of imaginative ways." Gotta love that quote.

You can find out more about our products and our company on our web site at basecamp.com.